
Minor only (minimum 24 credits)

The minor in 艺术管理 emphasizes entrepreneurial skills focusing on innovation, 承担风险, 和沟通. 学生 are encouraged to channel their creative energies toward the development of successful business ventures. Courses are taught with a focus on experiential learning using real-world examples and national industry resources from both for-profit and not-for-profit models suitable for all art forms. Skills developed in this minor will equip students to work for established organizations, start their own businesses, or manage themselves as independent artists.

The minor is available to students enrolled in any major across campus. Housed in the 部门 戏剧和电影, the minor was developed with support from the Schmidthorst College of Business Entrepreneurial Program and integrates core business classes from its curriculum.


  • thfm2750 (3)
  • THFM 3750 (3)
  • MIS 2000 or VCT 1030 (3)
  • THFM 2400 (3)
  • ACCT 2000 or ACCT 2210 (3)
  • BA 2040 (3)
  • RTD 3150 or JOUR 3410 (3)

Electives (choose at least one)

  • RTD 3250 (3)
  • MKT 3000 (3)
  • BA 3040 (3)
  • MGMT 3040 (3)
  • 经济2000 (3)
  • 经济学2020 (3)
  • THFM 4890 or ART 4890 (3)

Updated: 08/06/2020 11:58AM